Message from the Director

The Indian Association of Open Schooling offers to create a environment where holistic transformation of Open Schooling is possible and improve the quality of Open Schooling by creating partnerships with various Open Schooling Institutions, Boards and Centres. With a view to systematise interaction and mutual consultation among the Open Schools, it was considered appropriate to establish a Conglomerate of Open Schools. Thus was created Indian Association of Open Schooling. Indian Association of Open Schooling was established with a view to facilitate better cooperation, coordination, collaboration and determining standards in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system at school education level in the country. IAOS may request the institutions to suggest Agenda Items for discussion in the of IAOS website. IAOS will prepare the Agenda Papers for Meetings by taking into consideration the needs of the institutions and also the goal of Universalisation of School Education. IAOS Member Committee shall ensure follow up action on the recommendations of the Meetings, Conferences, Seminars, Webinars etc., of IAOS. IAOS will strive to build internal capacity within member institutions by facilitating the involvement and participation of their staff in IAOS projects. IAOS will collect basic data and maintain a database of open schools, including (but not limited to): level(s) at which education is provided, details of programmes/courses offered, technologies used and key statistics for the purpose of General Development and Quality in Open Schooling

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