Designation : Individual Member, IAOS
Open Schooling provides an exam equivalent to the pre-university level to the children who, for various reasons were not able to continue thier education in regular schools. Most of the students come from extremely poor backgrounds where an entire family of 6-8 people would be sharing room.
Another reason for open shooling is some students who are weak in some subjects and cannot complete the final school examinations in one go as in the regular system of education.
Open school permits a student to take exams for any number of subjects at a time as per the convenience of the students. Final school exams under the open school systems are held twice a year.
This open school facility enables students who are over aged and still in lower classes to complete thier studies at a peace convenient for the student. There are currently 22 students in the open school system for 2007.
The students undre the open school programme undergo additional training and have special classes arrannged by “HDFS” so as to inill confidence in them and ensure that they complete thier school education.
Differences between Open Schooling Distance Learning
Although the terms are often used interchangeably, there are important differences. Open learning is an umbrella term for any scheme of education(or) for any scheme of education (or) training that seeks systematically to remove barrier to learning , whether they are concerned with age, time, place (or) space. With open learning, individuals take responsibility for what they learn, how they learn, where they learn, how quickly they learn, who helps them and when they have thier learning assessed.
Distance learning, on the other hand is one particular form of open learning in which tutors and learners are separated by geographical distance. This is sometimes called a “home study” (or) correspondence course. But many mode of communication are used for distance learning,techniques in some form in our daily lives; we read books and newspapers, watch program on television and request information over the telephone. These are all learning experiences which ‘educate’ in the broadest sense.
Open school is asystem which is free of regular school’s attendance , time bound programs. It is for those people who are not able to attend (or) could not attend regularschool because of various reasons. And now they want to completethier education in 10th (or) 12th regardless of age and some other reason they cannot jon regular school programs.
It provides you the following facilities that a regular school does not have,
- Flexibility of choosing program independent of your age.
- Flexibility of not attending classes.
- Flexibility of an demand exam (you can give exam when you are ready)
- Flexibility of time frame (you can do program of 1 year even in 4-6 years if you are not ready for exam).
In general perception students comsider open schooling and distance learning are same concept but actually there is a vast difference between the two concepts.
- Distance education refers to all forms of education which take place through communication means like online learning (or) correspondence, for you dont have t be present in a particular location classes
Where as,
- Open education usually refer to education which is available to any one, regardless of student qualifications.
For example ; are usually open to any one who wants to persue his education from home without after the regular classes.