- The Organisation seeking membership should be a registered Educational Institution promoting or delivering education by the Open / distance mode through departments, faculties, centres or schools of external or off campus programmes.
- The Organisation must be a Trust / Society or non-profit organisation registered under Indian Government mainly engaged in Open Schooling
- The applicants of the Organisation must submit the Trust Deed and the Registration information along with number.
- If the building is rented, then rental agreement needs to be furnished
- Infrastructural facilities available in the institution. (photos)
- Equipments and Furniture (Photos)
- Library (Photo)
- Number of qualified professionals employed to run the organisation-Educational Qualifications
- 3 Photos of Chief of the Organisation with address proof and ID proof
- Contact person of the Organisation -3 photos with address proof and ID proof.
- Membership Fees : Rs.5000/- (renewable yearly)
- The Member should demonstrate a high commitment to pedagogical and instructional values.
This should be evident in any mission statement, corporate objectives, or strategic goals the provider adopts, and its actions should at all times be compatible with those values. The Member should also be committed to the continuous professional development of academic and administrative staff, instructors, and trainers.
- The Member should be financially responsible and be able to meet its obligations to learners.
A Member’s financial resources should afford all enrolled learners a reasonable prospect of completing their studies.
- The Member should adopt widely accepted norms of good business and employment practice including (but not limited to):-
3.1 Not discriminating, directly or indirectly, on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, or religious or political belief.
3.2 Having adequate premises and equipment to conduct its business.
- Members are expected to:
4.1. Offer efficient and professional customer service at all times.
4.2. Have in place a clear and transparent system for learners/customers to voice grievances and complaints.
4.3. Thoroughly and impartially investigate complaints and if found to be justified, endeavour to satisfactorily resolve them in a timely manner.
- All staff should be suitable for the positions they hold, and possess appropriate qualifications and experience.
- Learner support should be of high quality. Where a Member employs more than one tutor, trainer, or instructor steps should be taken to ensure that support is consistent throughout the course provision.
Such measures may include but are not necessarily limited to:-
6.1 The development of normative schemes for marking and assessment.
6.2 Guidance notes for instructors, trainers, and/or faculty.
6.3 Regular meetings of instructors, trainers and/or faculty.
6.4 Sharing information on good practice, problems and solutions.
6.5 Ongoing monitoring and review of tutors’/ instructors’/trainers’/faculty work, including random or systematic sampling of marking and comments.
6.6 An appraisal system for tutors/instructors/trainers/faculty.
6.7 Guidance for new academic / training staff in the special requirements of open, distance, and online learning.
6.8 Providing adequate administrative backup for academic / training and administrative staff.
6.9 Such other provisions as the provider deems appropriate.
- Sufficient resources should be available to ensure that every learner receives an adequate, individual service
- The Member should adhere to all IAOS recommendations and guidelines for the provision of open, distance and online learning.
- If the Member has adopted its own set of quality assurance systems and controls by which its performance can be assessed, these should be compatible with IAOS standards. The Member should seek, wherever possible, to strengthen internal quality controls in ways appropriate to the particular provision in question.
Internal quality assurance controls and systems may, for example:-
9.1. Identify & select suitable tutors/ instructors/ trainers and authors of course materials.
9.2. Monitor and review the continuing competence of all staff on a regular basis.
9.3. Set time limits for responding to external approaches, marking and returning assignments to learners, or reviewing course materials.
9.4. Seek and encourage feedback from staff, learners, clients and customers on evaluating and improving materials and services.
9.5. Measure outcomes, and use those measurements to enhance the quality of instruction and methods of course-delivery.
9.6. Include other provisions and procedures considered relevant by the Member.
- IAOS validation and recognition covers the complete range of courses, programmes, products and services provided by the Member unless otherwise stipulated.
- Any course, programme, product or service offered by the Member may be deemed to be validated by IAOS provided it is:
11.1. Approved by IAOS as part of its overall due diligence and validation procedures, or
11.2. Approved by IAOS as a separate item.
11.3. Subject to the Member’s own quality control procedures; or
11.4. Subject to the quality control procedures of a partner organisation which is itself recognised by IAOS.
11.5. Already approved by another accreditation agency or regulatory body recognised by IAOS.
- Approved Members may choose to acknowledge IAOS membership and display the IAOS Logo on websites, prospectuses, course-completion and graduation certificates, course materials and other publicity or promotional material. They will be issued a Certificate of Membership for the duration of membership.
- Accredited Members may choose to acknowledge IAOS membership and display the IAOS Logo on websites, prospectuses, course-completion and graduation certificates, course materials and other publicity or promotional material. They will be issued a Certificate of Accredited Membership for the duration of membership.
- Members may announce their IAOS membership status and display the IAOS logo on websites and/or promotional and publicity materials relating to any branch office or satellite campus, provided that:
14.1. The branch office or satellite campus is located in the same country as the member institution.
14.2. The branch office or satellite campus bears the same name as the member institute and/or is not considered as a separate entity.
14.3. Operating procedures, curriculum, syllabi, and methods of course-delivery are broadly the same.
14.4. Branch offices and satellite campuses which do not meet all of the above criteria will be required to submit a separate application for IAOS membership.
14.5. Representation offices or sales/recruitment agents are exempt from the above, provided that no instruction is carried out at/from that location.
- Institutions, organizations, and business entities affiliated or in partnership with an IAOS Member for the purposes of marketing, promotion, joint-course delivery, or other business activity, may display the IAOS logo and announce the IAOS membership status of the Member on websites and promotional and publicity materials.
- Promotional statements must not suggest that the affiliate or partner is also an IAOS Member (unless this is actually the case), or is in any way endorsed, approved, validated, or recognised by IAOS as an entity separate from the IAOS Member. Members are responsible for enforcing this restriction on their affiliates and partners.
16.1. The decision of the IAOS regarding the recognized IAOS status of any branch office, satellite campus, affiliate or partner shall be final and binding on the Member.
16.2. Unauthorized use of the IAOS name, brand, and logo may be subject to civil and/or criminal legal proceedings.
- Members will be required to submit an annual return in the format required by IAOS. Members also agree to allow IAOS and/or its duly appointed inspectors or assessors to make unannounced on-site evaluations or other quality assurance controls as required.
- Members should report any changes of significance in their operating circumstances or methods of course delivery to IAOS.
- Members must refrain from engaging in any activity or conduct likely to bring the name of IAOS into disrepute.
- IAOS will investigate consumer complaints made against members and, at the request of both parties, can act as liaison or in an arbitrational capacity to assist in the resolution of disputes. This service is non-binding on the parties and is offered without prejudice to their rights under the general law.
- Any significant or persistent breach or breaches of this Code of Practice may render the offending Member liable to disciplinary measures, as determined by IAOS, including (but not necessarily limited to) probation, suspension, or cancellation of membership.